For the financial sector
If your company is in the financial sector, we know that you are subject to the regulatory demands to have a risk management process. We believe that our experience could be of use to you and your company.
EBA already requests that credit institutions include geopolitical risks and macroeconomic risks in the evaluation of their loan books. ESMA and EIOPA will follow. But the guidelines are low on detail. It will likely change shortly.
Anybody following the international trends cannot deny that changes are happening. The financial sector is one of the transmission channels for nervousness and concerns of all kinds. The financial sector itself is not beyond reach and may incur losses when the unexpected happens.
For some reason the financial sector is rich in investment strategists in their late twenties or early thirties. It is our contention that experience counts when handling risk in the financial sector. At GRM we have that experience.
Keeping you updated
Based on our in-house risk monitoring, we help your investment strategy team or your treasury stay abreast of events that will shape the markets in the medium-term future.
We precisely forecasted the post-CoVID inflationary surge and the central bank response. We were early in predicting the market effects of the Ukraine invasion.
Our approach is simple: find out what happens if the current market consensus proves wrong. In most cases, consensus is proven wrong.